MTG - Doctor Who - Commander Deck: Masters of Evil

MTG - Doctor Who - Commander Deck: Masters of Evil

  • $69.95

Travel across the universe with the Doctor and their companions in the little blue box—the TARDIS—and help them protect the universe from threats of all kinds; or take on the role of the villain and vie for intergalactic domination.


  • 1 Foil-Etched Display commander 
  • 2 Traditional Foils + 98 nonfoil cards 
  • 10 Planechase cards
  • 2-card Collector Booster Sample Pack
  • 10 double-sided tokens 
  • 1 Life Tracker 
  • 1 Planar Die 
  • 1 Deck Box 
  • 1 strategy insert 
  • 1 reference card

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Tags: mtg, who, commander, deck,